Mathematical Tools for Data Science


Instructor: Carlos Fernandez-Granda
Contributors: Brett Bernstein | Aakash Kaku | Sheng Liu | Sreyas Mohan

This course provides a rigorous introduction to mathematical tools for data science drawn from linear algebra, Fourier analysis, probability theory, and convex optimization. The main topics are covariance matrices, principal component analysis, linear regression, regularization, sparse regression, frequency representations, the short-time Fourier transform, wavelets, Wiener filtering, and convolutional neural networks. The material is illustrated by multiple applications to real data.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation through awards DMS-2009752, HDR-1940097 and NRT-HDR 1922658.

1Covariance matrixThe covariance matrixPCA of weather data
Principal component analysis
Gaussian random vectors
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2Linear regressionMean squared error estimationLinear regression
Ordinary least squares
Analysis of OLS coefficients
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3RegularizationTraining and test error of OLS
Ridge regressionRidge Regression
Regularization via early stoppingGradient Descent
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4Sparse regressionThe lassoSparse Regression
Theoretical analysis of the lasso
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5The frequency domain (Sections 1–2)Fourier seriesFourier analysis of an electrocardiogram
The sampling theorem
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6The frequency domain (Sections 3-6)Discrete Fourier transformMagnetic resonance imaging
Fourier transformations in multiple dimensions 
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7Beyond Fourier (Section 1)Time-frequency analysis via windowingSTFT of a speech signal
Short-time Fourier transform
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8Beyond Fourier (Sections 2-3)Wavelets  
Denoising via thresholding Audio denoising
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9Stationarity (Sections 1-4)Linear translation-invariant models and convolution PCA of images
Stationarity and PCA PCA of piecewise-constant functions
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10Denoising (Sections 5-6)Wiener filtering for denoising 
Convolutional neural networks for image denoising Image denoising via bias-free CNNs
Deep learning for denoising electron-microscope images Deep denoising for electron microscopy


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Mathematical Tools for Data Science by New York University, Carlos Fernandez-Granda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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