Kangning Liu

PhD Alumni

Contact: kangning.liu@nyu.edu
Bio: Kangning was a PhD student at the NYU Center for Data Science, co-advised by Prof. Carlos Fernandez-Granda, Prof. Kyunghyun Cho and Prof. Krzysztof J. Geras. He was interested in machine learning, computer vision and their application for healthcare. Prior to joining NYU, Kangning pursued a Master’s degree in data science from the department of computer science at ETH Zurich, where his master thesis was on unsupervised video-to-video translation, under the supervision of Dr. Radu. Timofte, Dr. Shuhang Gu and Prof. Luc Van Gool at Computer Vision Laboratory. Before that, he also had project experience in medical imaging super-resolution and semantic segmentation. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University in electrical engineering with a minor in Finance.

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